1.3.1. Home
The Home page is split into two main panels: the Workflows panel which contains a list of categories/sub-categories and workflows and the Details panel:
The categories list will contain all the categories and sub-categories that have been defined. Each category or sub-category name is preceded by an expansion button. In order to expand/collapse all categories, select Expand/Collapse options from Actions menu. Inside the categories tree a workflow is represented by display name, version and timestamp. All information is structured as a tree, in the following order:
- Category name
- Sub-category name (if any defined)
- Workflow display name
- Workflow version
- The timestamp associated to when the workflow was imported
- Another timestamp for another workflow uploaded with the same display name and version etc.
- Another workflow version
- Another timestamp etc.
- Workflow version
- Another workflow display name
- Workflow version
- The timestamp associated to when the workflow was imported
- Another timestamp for another workflow uploaded with the same display name and version etc.
- Another workflow version
- Another timestamp etc.
- Workflow version
- Workflow display name
- Sub-category name (if any defined)
- Another Category name
IMPORTANT: Because category/workflow operations are also available in Flowster Designer, the recommendation would be to always Refresh the Home page before performing any operations in Workflows panel in Administrator.