Admin portal workflows page
The admin user can configure the workflows available in the user portal by going to the Workflows page in the admin portal. The admin can add, edit and remove one or multiple workflows. To add a workflow, a title, description and workflow id must be defined.
Workflows page - desktop view
Select workflow - desktop view
It is possible to define which language will be used in the description and title of the new workflow.
Select workflow language - desktop view
When all the fields describing the new workflow have been filled in, click save to add it.
Save new workflow - desktop view
The added workflows appear on the page in the "Workflows" log area under the "Add new workflow" area. it is possible to edit the information of a workflow by clicking on the "edit" icon that appears on top of the workflow.
Workflows added - desktop view
To access the workflows in the mobile version, if you are on the home page, click on the item "Workflows" that appears in the "Portal" area.
Workflows home page - mobile view
Workflow page - mobile view
Click "Add New Workflow" on the workflow page to add a new workflow.
Select workflow - mobile view
The procedure for adding a workflow is the same as in the desktop version, first select a workflow, then add a language and fill in the fields with the information that describes the new workflow.
Select workflow
Add workflow language
With all the fields filled in, click the "Save" button to add the new workflow.
Save new workflow - mobile view
The added Workflows appear on the Workflows page as in figure 49. To edit a workflow just click on the icon "edit" that appears on top of the workflow and a window will appear with the workflow information, to edit them just click on the fields and type, to save the changes you must click on the button "save".
Workflows added – mobile view
Edit workflow - mobile view
To remove a workflow just click on the delete item that appears on top of the workflow and a window will appear, to delete the workflow click on the "Delete" button.
Remove workflow - mobile view